post picture here.
Figurative Language or Bust! I bought a Powerpoint on TPT but blinged it out so it was more to my liking, used I'm Loving Lit's Closed Reading product (super blog and TPT love for Erin Cobb!), and made a Partner Sort game. That kept us busy all week. Too busy to go in to all the details. Let me know if you want loads of info on Figurative Language because I think I have a PdD in it after teaching and teaching
Can you identify the 5 Figurative Lanaguage elements in this test question?
Sally Mae could not have ever imagined, in a million years, that Billy would finally ask her to the dance. She tried on several silky and satin short dresses but sadly so many of them were not satisfactory to her silly sister. The mirror told her what she already knew, that she needed to get a haircut! Snip, snip, snip and her long hair was all in a pile on the floor. Now, she was happy and they all lived happily ever after!
The Sixthers in Room 208 sure can walk the walk and talk the talk but when it came to actually correctly punctuating their interesting dialogue...well, not so much. There was that moment where all time stopped, the room started spinning, and lights were flashing in my mind. I realized - yikes, they are not doing this correctly! Not to worry, I did a re-teach, we worked with a partner to punctuate made up on the spot sentences, and the next day we took a "quiz" together. The students decided it would be much more fun to stand up and make all the "teacher hand motions" (as one sweetie called the frantic waving of my arms and hands when indicating comma, question, exclamation, and quote marks). In the end, it stuck and they are well on their way to Proper Punctuation of Dialogue. You can have a free copy of the QUIZ here and a free copy of the Powerpoint here . I hope they help your budding writers as much as it helped mine!
The Writers of Sixth are continuing to add to their Personal Narrative of a Childhood Memory. They are adding in dialogue with the tricky task of using Proper with a capital P dialogue punctuation. I created this Powerpoint xxxxxx using all kinds of highlights and bold to go over and over and over where the comma is placed, when to capitalize, and everything in between. Loads of modeling, examples, try it on their own, peer review, and then it seemed that they were ready to go and spice up their stories with some dialogue. Of course, reminding them that they can only use the word Said once. I am expecting lots of whispering, bellowing, moaning, stuttering, yodeling (their favorite funny word for said), and shreiking in their stories. We will see.
Our Personal Narrative stories are turning out great (code for: much better than I expected!). My budding authors are touching up the dialogue punctuation so it is just right. It took a bit more time to master the quote, comma, quote, quote, comma, exclamation, period but they have it down now. A few fellows even took to acting out their sentences for the class using all of the teachers hand motions for each punctuation mark. At least it shows that they were paying attention...and that I am slightly entertaining. I made up a tidy 10 point Review Quiz that we worked on together in class just to be sure everyone had it mastered and ready to use at a moments notice. Feel free to borrow it to use with your batch of writers. ..xxxxx add link here xxxxx
I did it. I finally did it! With 4 quick and painless clicks, an order was placed for not one, but three!, Pink as Pink can be Pencil Sharpeners. We have all ooooh'd and ahhhh'd over them on other blogs, they pop up all over Pinterest, and it is the gift of choice on many give aways. Well, now they are all mine! No idea what I will do with three but heck for the price of two I got an extra. Problem is that I have three teaching team pals and I can't give them all away (I need one!). I am going to stash one for the best Secret Snowman gift ever in the history of all teaching time. So that leaves ONE. Guess who is everyone's BFF now! Needless to say, I will post of picture of my prized pink possession the moment it arrives! You can yours here xxxxxxxx
We have been following the exciting adventure of Diana Nyad as she swims from Cuba to Florida! Diana is swimming without fins, shark cage, or any stops at all. How exciting! The students were mesmerized watching Diana on as she described her 2011 attempt and how the unexpected box jellyfish cut her dream short. The students discussed how we can all have an Xtreme Dream to reach our goals.